Sunday, January 5, 2014

Prego update

Hey friends! Thought it was about time to post a little update on my pregnancy with baby #3 for anyone who is interested. The emotions and changes in my body seem so fresh right now like I will never forgot it but I know just months down the road I won't be able to remember anything! Any other moms like that?!

Right now I'm 28wks..going on 29...feeling like I am 35 :)

I had so little to complain about with my first 2 pregnancies, and this one is no exception.

11 weeks to go!!! Woohoo! Feeling great with minor discomforts.

Some other random things and fun stuff coming up...

* I love my long hot showers! They are my new best friend! Our mlgw bill not so much.

* My doctor is the best! So sweet and understanding!

* Passed my 6 month glucose test but was told I had put on a little to much weight to quickly :/ not sure how that happened?? Maybe that short season of pizza, muffins, and other delicious carb friendly snacks. I took the gentle warning seriously and have embraced the clean eating (for the most part), Zumba classes, and the treadmill again :)

* This little girl LOVES to move, flip, kick, poke..everything!! No complaining here I actually adore it because I don't remember the other 2 this active.

* Looking ahead to my next appointment on Friday to see her again and how much she has grown. Having a baby shower thrown by a sweet friend on the 18th!!! Super pumped about that!

That's about it for now. Taking one day and 1lb. at a time.