This Christmas was such a blessing. Every year just gets better as the kids get older and their understanding grows more and more to why we celebrate this holiday. This year we did an "Advent Calendar" as a family. This was our first time doing this. I highly recommend it whether you have children or just you and your spouse. It takes you through God's story (Old Testament and New) to the birth of Jesus. It is a great way to keep your mind and heart centered on Christ amongst all the other things grabbing for your attention.
Micaiah was so cute. When we would ask little simple questions for him and Addy to answer after our reading he would respond with his adorable voice...ummm God? He's going to be that child in Sunday School =) haha! Adoniah really impressed us. She would sit and listen to the story (little bit of squirming here and there) and there were a few days she answered all the questions from the story. It is true they are listening even when your convinced they are not.
We did some fun family activities together but the one we enjoyed the most was having our 85 year old neighbor over for a Christmas dinner before we left town. She is one of the sweetest ladies. We have known her for almost 4 years. She adores the kids and the kids just think the world of her. We wanted to bless her and show the kids that this month is not just about us but showing others the love of Christ. She is not a believer and she knows where we stand and I have had a conversation with her about our faith. She respects us but does not want anyone pushing their beliefs onto her. We had a good ole time eating chicken tortilla soup and cookies/coffee for dessert. The kids made her a card which I'm sure got put on the fridge. It was a blessing to serve her.
We are in Missouri now taking it easy and enjoying time with Jared's family. SO glad Jared has a full week off work just to be with us. I always come back to Memphis reality a little sad after being spoiled so much while being here =) Here are some pics of our fabulous time here with family =)!
Opening her gifts on Christmas Eve |
A purple blanket..her favorite color! |
Jared explaining to mom how the new "keurig" one cup serve coffee machine works that we surprised her with! |
Auntie Amber and Lil Mac in his cars tent |
Papa putting together a toy |
This is no joke...Me and Addy after she got into some "extra strength joint cream" in Papa's room and rubbed it all over her face and even got in her mouth. She was suppose to be taking a nap. It was no fun =( |
Our exciting trip to Walmart. It's one of the main attractions up here. |
Tossing the coconut jar (it's plastic) and trying to get a mid air pic. |
had to try again |
there we go..I was really trying to focus |
An awesome Wednesday mornin breakfast |
Breakfast food is his favorite thing to cook and he is really good at it! Pumpkin pancakes, eggs, and bacon. |
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